Yesterday Violet was standing at the front door watching her little friend play across the street. She had her face pressed to the glass with her hands on the window and said, "I wish I could have a backpack like that.....but I can't." I started laughing and said, "A backpack like what Violet?" And she said, "I wish I could have a backpack like Doodlebugs, but I can't." I was laughing pretty hard at her and she said, "Are we gonna call Daddy?" with a smile on her face. If Violet says anything particularly humorous we always call Nate and tell him. We called Daddy.
This morning Violet swallowed her vitamins, which is usually followed by a piece of gum. She forgot the gum and I let it go. About 30min. later she said, "Mama we forgot my gum. Do we have that spicy kind?" I told her that we didn't have any spicy kind and she said, "Aw man."

Violet has been doing a lot of doodling on her Doodlepro. I think she is pretty talented for a 2 year-old. See for yourself.... She said this drawing was flowers and then later said balloons too. Maybe I made too big of deal because now she is stuck in a rut drawing mostly balloons and flowers with a few "strawberries, vegetables, and onions" thrown in every once in a while.
Anara is developing quite a personality. She loves to be laughed at and repeats the same joke as long as the laughs keep coming. Last night I showed the girls my silliest face for the 1st time (Jody, you know the one I wasn't allowed to show Nate until we were wed). Basically I cross my eyes, tuck my top lip under and stick my tongue out like a lizard. Anara was successfully mimicking my silly face. She had her lip tucked under, crossed her eyes, and was moving her head side to side with her tongue out. Violet wasn't even able to copy this face. We were laughing pretty hard and Anara kept on. I just tried to get a video of it but she kept coming towards the camera and it's not the greatest. This isn't anywhere near the effort she was making to mimic the face last night.
"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Anara you stink!" Violet said this as she came running into the room to smell Anara. She leaned down, smelled the diaper area and ran out of the room saying, "That's disgusting!" I am not certain where she learned, "Oh my gosh", but I am trying to make sure that she isn't hearing it from me ( I think I usually say "Oh my goodness" - maybe not much better). It is so hard to remember not to say the things you don't want your kids repeating. Often Violet says, "huh" trying to get Nate or I to repeat ourselves, and I know that we both say that to her, but it sounds so dumb coming out of a 2 y/o mouth. Back to "Oh my gosh", last night I was standing outside and I heard the 4 y/o girl next door saying, "Oh my gosh" repeatedly. Maybe this is where Vi heard it.
Here is a cheesy video of Violet singing a "Signing Time" song into a pretend microphone. You hear her say, "... Alex and Leah, come and you know the colors of the rainbow too... there's red, orange, yellow, green, purple, and blue" for the sake of rhyme the colors out of order and no amount of convincing will make Violet believe differently.
After Violet was finished with the microphone I caught Anara trying to sing her own version.
Hmmm....there was one other story I wanted to put on here for the grandparents but now I can't remember......