Thursday, June 26, 2008

Baby Boy or Girl H

We had our diagnostic ultrasound on Monday. We chose not to find out the sex again since it was such a fun surprise with Violet. The MD didn't come in and talk to us this time so I am assuming things looked fine. Violet's ultrasound revealed bilateral CPC's (choroid plexus cysts) and the MD had to inform us that this is possibly a marker of Trisomy 18 (which I think is lethal). That was a pretty nerve wracking day. Thankfully we decided not to do further testing.

Back to Monday's ultrasound. The baby was pretty active and it was fun to watch it just hanging out in it's watery home. The ultrasound tech came back in to scan the baby's bladder because the MD wasn't satisfied with the pictures. I was thinking, "Hmmm... there isn't really much you could tell me about the bladder that would scare me. Go ahead and say it's outside the body - nothing Dr. K. can't fix." As far as we know the baby is healthy and measuring about a week ahead. This doesn't concern me too much since Violet was a pretty large baby too.

I think the skeleton pictures are a little scary but it is neat to know that there is a little human in there. It's pretty amazing that you can get such a clear image of these little ones. The best ultrasound photo I have ever seen belongs to Emily. That baby is actually cute already.

The ultrasound was a reminder of what an amazing God we serve and how perfectly He creates. I know that we have a scientific understanding of reproduction and development but I am still amazed that a little human can appear inside of me and end up being a person with freewill and a personality. We don't take this miracle for granted and are amazed to again be blessed with the opportunity to experience pregnancy (now that the morning sickness/depression cloud has parted) and hopefully childbirth. We are praying for a healthy baby to appear mid November. We are remembering friends and family who would like to experience this miracle for themselves and also friends that have had to grieve the loss of their baby.

I would like to ask for prayer for one more thing. Rachel (Nate's older sister) and Guy are trying to adopt a baby girl from Korea. They are experiencing some bumps in the process. Please pray that these issues would be resolved quickly and that Sa-Rang would be able to come home soon. Sa-Rang has Down Syndrome and a few medical issues related to her condition. We would love to see her home by August.

In other news... Anara had her feeding tube removed last week. This was a great day and she reminds us at least 20 times a day, "No tube!! Dr. take it out!! I cried!!" Anara is now completely tube free and her catheterizable channel is working beautifully. Thanks for all your support and prayers throughout the last year. I am just starting to realize how far we've come.


Lydia said...

Believe it or not, I'm speechless. Thanks for the pics!

Beth said...

Hmmmmm... I usually have a gut feeling of what I think the baby is, but I really don't know with you this time. But I will guess another girl. I shouldn't say that though, that's asking for a lot of female drama. hahahah.... Sorry, I love you Amanda. Do you have any names, or is that going to be a secret?