I have kept these quotes so long that some of them aren't as funny because the girls are a bit older now. Oh well, here they are anyway.
Vi - "Yeah, that's a picture of you in Kyrgyzstan."
Anara - "Yeah, I am from Kyrgyzstan. Where are you from Violet?"
Vi - "Uh, I don't remember where I am from let me go ask Mommy. Mommy, where am I from?"
Vi while picking up the toys that she got out. "Oh man! There is so much stuff! Why is Mommy making us do this? It's so hard."
Vi, "Grandma Janet's oven makes better shrinky dinks but ours makes better food."
Anara listening to Away in the Manger (the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay) "Mommy, that lady just called the Little Lord Jesus a sleepy head."
Vi was wondering what my concerned face was for and I told her that I was trying to make a good decision about the flu shot. I asked her to pray for my decision.
"Dear Jesus, please help Mommy make the right decision not to get the flu shot."
We got a package of caramel corn delivered to us by UPS one day. Violet, "That UPS man makes good caramel corn!"
I heard Violet whisper, "Anara, I have an idea. Maybe if we make a crown for Mommy then she will let us have whatever we want."
Violet, "I wish my hair looked like yours." Dewey, "Okay, but it would be really nappy."
Violet telling us about her dream "There was a Disneyland really really really close to our house and we went and I got lots of balloons and lollipops."
Me: "Okay Vi what are we going to do first?"
Vi: "Play Jenga."
Me: "Okay, I will probably win though."
Vi: "Let's not worry about winning, Mama. Jenga isn't about winning, it's about having fun."
Anara while babysitting Joy, "Babies that are Asian can eat and drink all by themselves."
Violet about Joy, "She is Asian like you and Bobby." Anara, "Bobby's Asian?"
Vi bossing me about Joy and trying not to sound bossy, "Bring her out in this room and put her down. That's what I would do."
Anara, "Violet, you are talking with food in your mouth."
Anara (with food in her mouth), "Mommy, Violet's talking with food in her mouth."
Violet "Mommy and Daddy said they don't like giving us spanks."
Anara "Who?"
Violet "Our mom and our dad. They didn't like spanks when they were little. They give the hardest spanks don't they?"
Anara "Yeah, they make them this hard."
"Mommy, I just can't do what Violet is telling me to do. I can't do criss cross applesauce."
One morning during breakfast Violet said, "I kept praying that God would make the dog on my floor move but every time I opened my eyes it was still in the same place."
"Dear Jesus, thank your for this day. Thank you for this food. Help me not to have a nap today."
Vi, "That's an exasperating deal."
Vi, "Anara, you like Asian food because you are Asian. I'm not Asian, I'm Korean."
Vi "Mom, Edison is getting all your shoes out."
Me "That's okay you know how to put them away."
Vi "So do you. So, can you put them away."
Vi "Calm down mom."
Vi, "Mom, what are those?
Me "Canadian geese."
Vi, "Wow, they are really far from home."
Vi "Are you going to change her diaper? She probably just has a bottom and not a penis. That's what boys have. Did you know Eddie had a penis when he was born?"
"Cinderella knows Jesus but we better pray for them (referring to the ugly stepsisters)"
Anara, "Vi just hit me. Can I say, 'Violet, go to Mommy?'"
Violet when I told her I didn't have much patience left, "How many patience do you usually have?"