Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Quotes and Stories

Violet to Anara - "You can sleep here for a while but I need to go upstairs and do dishes."

A couple weeks ago Violet put a plastic bag on her head. Nate and I were trying to be very grave about the consequences of that and told Violet that we wouldn't have her anymore. Violet replied, "But I would go fly to be with Jesus, shouldn't you be happy?"

We were looking at Halloween costumes in a magazine and there was a picture of a Cookie Monster costume with the kids face peeking out Cookie's mouth. Anara was alaramed and said, "Oh no, look at him - he's eating her." Last Friday we lost another helium balloon to the heavens. Violet asked, "When I fly to be with Jesus can I have all my balloons back? Jesus has a lot of balloons."

Violet has only seen two movies - Cinderella and Mary Poppins. She is really sensitive to conflict and suspense so we have been pretty limiting of what she watches. The part in Cinderella where the stepsisters tear Cinderella's dress really upsets Violet. She has to have an adult watch it with her and she talked about it for a long time the first time she watched it. Today she was playing with some little dress-up dolls I got the girls at Disney Land in July and she reenacted the whole stepsisters tearing the dress scene. Here was the conversation, "Here come the stepsisters. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Tearing, tearing, tearing, tearing." While she said the tearing part she was clawing the air with her hands.

Also, while they were playing with the little dolls they were removing heads and exchanging them (because this can be done with these little dolls). Violet said to Anara, "No, Anara the head goes on this way because look where the boobs are." I knew there was a a downside to letting them play with developed dolls.

Today Violet put on all her princess attire (and I mean all) and asked Anara, "Anara, are you going to be my prince?" Anara responded, "Okay, Bilet" and Violet said, "Okay, you have to take me to the ball." The proceeded up the stairs to start the demo on the keyboard and dance.

Vi with crown, gloves, ring, dress and heels.

Violet was looking for her orange, diamond necklace and I wasn't sure what she was talking about. She said, "Do you know what I am talking about?" I said, "No, I didn't know you had an orange, diamond necklace." And she said (in a very disappointed and dramatic voice), "Oh, I wish you know'd what I was talking about."

Mommy: "Vi, is the baby in my belly a boy or a girl?"
Violet: "A boy"
Mommy: "What should we name it?"
Violet: "I think Caillou"


Stephanie said...

I just love these recorded quotes and conversations!

Lydia said...

Maybe you ought to invest in some Veggie Tales movies :) Claire loved Mary Poppins and Cinderella when she was little but when I was little, I thought they both caused anxiety in me!

Erica said...

Yes! I love Caillou. I know you guys hate him but I love his whiney little voice.

Christina said...

Watch out Vi - Anara's starting to come up with some good ones :)