Friday, January 23, 2009

Fourth Time is a Charm

Anara is in a room - well sort of. She is in a bed behind a curtain for the night. Dr. Kaefer said just one night for observation. He removed 22 sizable stones from her reservoir. He brought them out to us in a cup and it looked like someone picked up a 1/2 cup of smooth rocks on a beach.

Dr. Kaefer said that it took 4 attempts to make a belly button that everyone in the O.R. could agree on. We haven't seen the finished product but we are excited to take a peek once the bandage comes off.

She is pretty ouchy and not quite herself. She had some pretzels and yogurt and perked up for about 15 minutes. She is due for some more meds pretty soon so hopefully that will help relax her a bit more. Thanks for your prayers.

Obliging Mommy with a smile.

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