Friday, November 28, 2008

Long time no blog

I know, I have a lot of catching up to do. I am going to try and post all the events that I missed in the order they occurred. This first post dates back to Thanksgiving weekend when we attended the tree lighting on Monument Circle.
This was our second year and we didn't have nearly as much fun this time. We arrived late (because of the tiny window between nursing Edison) and fought a crowd. Nate dropped us off and parked by Omalia's which is a considerable distance from the circle. I stood at our meeting spot without a cell phone concerned by the length of time it was taking for him to find us. Finally he arrived and we fought our way into the crowd before we decided to park it and wait. Nate went and bought two slices of Giorgio's pepperoni pizza and we ate it while we waited for the tree to light. The girls missed out on any fun giveaways (like the inflatable candy canes) and we were in the wrong place for the fireworks. Next year we will probably watch it on TV and visit the circle on a less busy night to look at lights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great tradition you have to go see the circle lights! I've always thought they are so beautiful. Good luck catching up the blog.