Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cooking and cleaning

The kids have been helping around the house and a couple weeks ago, Violet actually folded an entire basket of laundry. I was so amazed by her folding skills that I had to take some pictures.

Hand towels and washcloths

Bath towels

Playdoh peas and carrots for dinner

Eddie helping with another basket of laundry


Laura S Scott said...

Do you have problems with child labor? I don't. So if you don't and you'd like to loan Violet out I have many chores with which I could use help! We could even talk a small contribution to her piggy bank. (Let's face it, it's safer than any 529 account right now!)

Unknown said...

Amanda grew up knowing all about child labor. Poor little girl.

Christina said...

Umm, I have 2 baskets of laundry that need folding. Can I borrow her?