Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sparkle the Spider

The spider pictures in the previous post were from a couple weeks ago. Anara just pointed out that there is still a spider in the same place. This one is much fatter. We are going to assume it's the same spider, which Violet has now named Sparkle. Here are a few updated pictures of Sparkle as well as a video of her wrapping her prey. Sorry about the crummy videography. I couldn't hold it still with it zoomed.


Erica said...

Well, it's not "Some Pig" but it's something! ;)

PEEPER said...

Those spiders are just so interesting to observe. We have one that hangs around our porch, too. It seems to pick up and move its web every few days and it seems to always be downwind, so I don't know if it knows that and the bugs get "blown" into the web easier. Anyway, the kids and I were curious about that zig-zag in the web...just FYI its called a stabilimentum and people still really haven't figured out its purpose...could be camouflage, could be a way to make the web more obvious to keep creatures from running into it, could imitate UV light and attract bugs...the list goes on and on. Another question for me to ask God when I get to heaven, I suppose.