Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dear Jesus...

Here are a few recent prayers from Violet:

"Dear Jesus, please help Anara not be afraid of the shadows. In Jesus name, Amen." We heard this over the monitor one night after putting the girls to bed.

"Dear Jesus, please help Anara's bladder..."

"Dear God, please help me to have some toe jam." One night I was cleaning the toe jam out of Anara's toes and Violet was upset because she didn't have any toe jam. Nate and I put her to bed with really fuzzy socks and told her that maybe they would make toe jam in her toes and she could get it out in the morning. Monday Violet told the OT that if she wore really fuzzy socks then maybe God would give her some toe jam too.

"Dear Jesus, please help the storm to go away and the outside not to make the eeeeeeeeee sound anymore. I don't like that, so please help it go away. Help the thunder not to come if it wants to and help the lightning to go away. And Jesus we love you. In Jesus name, Amen" She prayed this prayer last night during the storm. The "eeeeee" sound was the storm sirens.

"Dear Jesus, please help Anara to eat well." She prays this often during our mealtime.

Here is Anara's latest prayer, "Dee Dedus umm.. Dedus ummmm... Amen."

I was just dusting our bedroom and I realized the house was a little too quiet. I went upstairs and found Violet in the bathroom struggling to pull on her underwear and having quite a conversation with Anara. "Anara, I have to pull my panties up so no one sees my bottom. Anara can you help me? Anara thanks for coming to help me. I was trying to get on the potty but the potty wouldn't let me." Then Violet saw me and said, "Mama, I have to go potty but the potty won't let me get up there. Anara came in the bathroom to help me and she can't help me." She was trying to use the normal size toilet and was not successful climbing on without help.


sarah, rsm said...

Dear Jesus ...

Thank you for the way you continue to manifest Yourself through the beautiful witness of the Hubartt family. Though I have never met them face-to-face, their experiences have become a most precious gift to my daily prayer for which I am deeply grateful. May they feel the tremendous love and energy being sent from afar by so many of us whose Spirit is inspired and enriched by their lives. May they know deep Peace amidst the struggles and Blessings in abundance.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Here is a little Blessing for the 4of you:

Lydia said...

How precious is that! I love it.

Take comfort in knowing that Annie never lets a prayer go by without asking God for Anara's healing.

Sorry to hear about your washer...I do have some things for your girls but unless you're planning on sending one of them to bed in a snow suit and snow boots, I don't know if it'll help! (Actually there may be some pj's in there...I don't remember).

PEEPER said...

I love the toe jam prayer! You know, when I was little my grandpa and I would always do this thing where he would check in between my toes for "gardens" and then if he found any toe jam he'd ask me what I was growing in that garden. So maybe when Violet gets some toe jam, she can see what kind of vegetables she's growing in her "garden"!! I know, I come from a strange family...explains a lot, eh?

Laura S Scott said...

Dear Jesus,
"Help you with Anara's surgery" in the words of Annie. That is how she requests his healing for her. It's adorable!

Maybe my prayer could be a little like this "Dear Jesus, please let Amanda, Nate, Violet and Anara come to the hotel with us and go swimming and go out to eat cuz we know that they would really like it. Amen." What do you think? Not sacrilege...I really would enjoy it too!!! :)

Chris and Jen said...

Oh, I will SO be praying that Anara does not have to have surgery again! I feel you with the whole adopting again thing. I am constantly checking waiting child lists even though I know it is out of the question for us to adopt right now. Still, I can pray for them.