Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I didn't forget - 8 Interesting Facts

Okay Lori I have been putting this off forever because, well, I just am not that interesting. A while ago (months and months), Lori tagged me for an "8 interesting things about yourself" post. I have thought about this off and on and really have struggled to come up with 8 things that anyone would find that interesting. Here are my 8 not so interesting facts.

1. I spent my adolescence accompanying my mom to the morgue. She used to remove corneas or take out whole eyes. She would pay me her mileage because she hated going to a morgue by herself in the middle of the night. I used to watch TV, listen to music, read, or help turn the body when necessary (searching for bruises, marks, tattoos). When my friends came over they would often comment about the cooler labeled "human eyes" in our refrigerator. The preservative had to be kept cool and if Mom took our eyes in the middle of the night she waited until the next day to drive them to the State Police.

2. Before Nate and I married I didn't even care if I had biological kids. I knew that I wanted to adopt and felt indifferent about having bio. kids. I thought I would have a huge family made up of entirely adopted kids. Once we were married something bizarre happened and made me want to try for a bio. baby. We were very blessed with Violet. Now we are now blessed with a family made up of both.

3. I am a descendant of Henry the VIII on my dad's side and William Brewster (preacher on the Mayflower) on my mom's side. This was my claim to fame in elementary school.

4. Fast Car by Tracy Chapman is one of my favorite songs of all time. I am kind of embarrassed by this and have no idea why I like it so much (it's pretty dark). I like Tracy Chapman in general. My social worky side has always felt drawn to music about social injustice and sadness.

5. Nate and I went to high school together. He was a senior when I was a freshman. He used to stare at the back of my head in band he liked my hair and had a bit of a crush on me. We did not really speak until my sophomore year in college. After seeing him randomly while visiting IU, I received an email from him and I had never been more excited in my life. My friend Jody used to translate his emails. For example, if Nate wrote, "I hope you had a good day", Jody would say, "Oh Amanda, I have been thinking about you all day and wishing I could be there with you, but I hope you had a great day anyway." Those were fun times.

6. I love Shaklee. I use the cleaning products, laundry soap, air purifier, vitamins, hair care, and would use more if I could afford it (the cleaning products are actually cheaper than store bought). My life was changed when I started taking the vitamins and I no longer required the use of a rescue inhaler or daily allergy medication. The unfortunate thing is that I cannot sell it to save my life and don't even sell enough to supplement my vitamin buying. Oh well.

7. I have been overseas several times (China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Italy, Romania and drove through or landed in other countries) but I hate flying and do not enjoy traveling until it's over. Each time I find myself far away, I pledge never to leave again but then I find myself drawn to some other country for some purpose.

8. I have a secret desire to live in "Little House" times despite the grueling work and long days. I think deep inside I long for simpler times and I wish I were more like Ma.

I tag Lydia, Kendra and Beth


Beth said...

I can't believe you never told me about your whole morgue experiences. How old were you when you traveled with your mom their and helped flip bodies over? Oh my word, eyes in your fridge. hahahaha It makes me laugh out loud thinking about pulling them out of your fridge and asking you about them. Yuck. :)

The Little House comment makes me smile. Brian and I used to watch that show even in our high school years (he will admit it today) haha... I always felt special that Almanzo called Laura "Beth."

Erica said...

Amanda, numbers 6 and 8 don't go together! ;) Of course you could argue that if they'd had Shacklee back then, Almanzo would have had to keep moving in search of that "gentler climate" or whatever Laura calls it.

Erica said...

Ugh, that's *wouldn't* have had to keep moving.

Lydia said...

oh man. the "interesting" part is going to trip me up! so many of the things you wrote are applicable to me to but if I use them, people with think I'm a copy cat.

Joy said...

My first year out of college I worked nights. I would get up after sleeping through the day and watch "Little House" as I ate my cereal for "breakfast." I cried through every stinkin' one of those programs and came back for more the next day!

Laura S Scott said...

Amanda...i think I'll research your shaklee. You had me at "cheaper"! Man...if you were ever on jeopardy or deal or no deal...you could easily have a story to tell. I worry that I won't ever get to be on D or ND, just because I'm dull! (I'd also ask that the models wear a sweatshirt!) Neither here nor there. Neat Post!

Beth said...

There are a lot of people buying Shaklee off Ebay. Maybe you could sell some on there?

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting to come over now that you're set to private and new posts don't show in my Google Reader.

You and Peeper could put together a Little House family play for us all this summer. lol

Pam Markley said...

I didn't realize we had so many common secrets...

Tracy Chapman...
Fast Car...
Shaklee Cleaning products...
Little house...

Thanks for posting your 8!