Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Everyone needs a Violet

Yesterday we were getting ready for a trip to the library when I realized that Anara needed her diaper changed. Violet decided to color while she waited for me to change Anara. She is in constant conversation and I don't always pay close attention to what she is saying. However, I heard her say, "Dr. Leland" a couple times and this time it registered. Anara had a MD appt. at 3:00 yesterday. I had totally forgotten about it and when I looked at the clock it was 2:30. The next 10 minutes were a blur and I rushed to dress more "doctor visit" appropriate, change a diaper, and get the girls in the car. The amazing thing is that I had never told Violet we had a MD appt. so she couldn't have remembered that I told her we were going to Dr. Leland. It's not like she talks about Dr. Leland all the time. Without Violet's reminder we would have been at the library instead of the doctor's office. Thanks to Violet, Anara has two shot marks on her legs today :)

Another weird Violet thing..... Last June (when Vi was only 1), Nate went to Australia for work. He was working on his expense report and couldn't find his hotel receipt anywhere. He came home from work and asked Violet where his hotel receipt was. Violet walked directly into our bedroom and pulled some papers out of my knitting basket (she wasn't allowed to touch the knitting basket). Nate took the papers from her and lo and behold - a hotel receipt among my print outs of knitting instructions.

One more weird Violet thing..... Violet has a phenomonal internal alarm. It doesn't matter what time she goes to bed or how she sleeps during the night. She can wake up within a couple minutes of the same time everyday. We have tried earlier bedtimes and later bedtimes, but her alarm goes off and she is up. Anara will sleep until she has had enough sleep and then wake up happy.

A minute ago Violet was looking out the window and saw her friend, Victoria, wearing a backpack. Violet said, "I wish I could have a backpack like Doodlebug, but I can't." I am still laughing at this. How does she know "I wish" and how does she know that she can't have one.

Here is a video of Violet saying a verse she memorized a couple months ago. We need to start working on another one. I was also trying to upload a video of Anara saying and signing "Daddy" but it isn't working.

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