Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Am I a bad mom - 1st installment

I like the idea of this post so much that I am giving it its own label with plans to give it a recurring slot.

Am I a bad mom because my favorite part of the day is the second that silence overwhelms our house meaning that both girls have fallen asleep?

Am I a bad mom because it's 1:00pm and both of my kids are still in pajamas?

Am I a bad mom because today I cleaned the playroom and then refused to let the girls play in it because I wanted it to stay clean for more than 10 minutes?

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely cherish these girls but their early bedtime provides an opportunity for me to be independent for a few hours even if I find myself collapsing on the couch from exhaustion. I wouldn't have it any other way. Nate and I might be tired after putting the girls to bed but we still find ourselves smiling and retelling stories of their daily exploits.

The girls love their pajamas, but maybe I should be getting them dressed at a more appropriate time.

The playroom was disastrous. One toddler can do significant damage, but two can unleash something completely unholy. I resisted the urge to restrain them while cleaning and let them wander the upstairs while I separated, paper, puzzles, legos, play food, chalk, markers, crayons, and pads (from last week's incident). I thought if I worked twice as fast as they destroyed I could make some headway. I was actually able to accomplish this when they were temporarily distracted by the keyboard. However, once they walked into their newly cleaned playroom a switch flipped in their brains and they knew what they had to do - DESTROY. I took immediate action and carried them downstairs to distract them from their mission.

And now for some Violet quotes:

Lunch today was leftovers. Anara really enjoyed spaghetti last night so I decided to give her the remainder of the spaghetti and Violet had to suffer through leftover macaroni and cheese. Violet finished and had about 6 pieces of pasta on her tray. I asked her to finish them and she declined so I got her out of her chair and she went off to play. Anara spotted the macaroni and asked for "Deese" so I put them on a fork and gave the bite to Anara. Violet saw this and mourned the loss of these 6 macaronis for the next 45 minutes. Here are some of the things she said during this time... "I am going to pray to God to give me back the macaroni and cheese that Anara swallowed. Mama, I just really wish that I could eat that macaroni you gave Anara. I need to eat some more breakfast because I didn't get to eat that macaroni and cheese that Anara ate. God, please let Anara to give me back that macaroni and cheese that she ate and help Mama not to lose her patience."

"Mama, how's it going?" Me: "Good Violet, how is it going for you?" Violet: "Cool"

"Does Uncle Joel want me to sleep? Okay then, I will."

"Ummm.... chocolatey"

"Dear Jesus, Please help my bottom to get better and forgive me for not telling Daddy the truth." This was not after being spanked. She was praying about her diaper rash and the telling the truth part was totally random.

"I watch too much TV don't I? Then can I just play the computer?"

"Is Baby Jesus up in Heaven too? Does Jesus have a beard? Maybe when I get big I will like beards, or maybe He can just shave it like Daddy shaves his whiskers."


Mom to 2 Angels said...

Her quotes are too funny, they crack me up. You are not a bad mom b/c you enjoy bedtime! We have to reuvenate so that we can be good moms the next day! I find that our kiddos bedtime keeps getting earlier and earlier.

Lydia said...

what?! your kids sleep? some people have all the luck. :)

i try to remember that this won't last forever and then I think, "No. It'll be some other equally distressing challenge!"

but like you, i'd not trade it for anything. I just keep trying to figure out how to be the mom i'm supposed to be.

Carma said...

You need to publish all of the girls' sayings. If nothing else in a book for them when they are older. Violet is hysterical! I'm sure Anara will pick it up in no time and then you'll have to comedians in the house!

Unknown said...

I have one burning question! How many snocones have you let my granddaughters make.

Sara said...

Jeff and Carrie were over to watch the Superbowl and we went through all of Violet's quotes. And we LOVED the video of Luke 2!! We thought Anara's Dee Dedus was just precious too. The best birthday present I have ever received was a collection of quotes from our oldest that Carrie made me. We now have a book started for the other 2 too.

Scott and Emily's Blog said...

Amanda I have to admit that this last posting has made me feel good about my parenting skills...meaning...sometimes I feel like other moms are super moms and that loving the end of the day at the same time as loving your kids is abnormal :) But you have shown me that I am not the only one...and hey we aren't super moms...just moms :) Thanks for sharing in my humanity.

Grandad said...

Heck Sis, interviewed this week, and we're preparing to welcome a new guy to the crew. His wife's vocation is mothering, all four of them; ages 6, 5, 3, and 1 1/2. Not sure of the mix, wouldn't really matter....

Christina said...

No, you are not a bad mom. Everyone needs a break from their routine occasionally. I have to tell you that my entire family was laughing hysterically over those quotes. My mom was actually crying she was laughing so hard (I know, hard to imagine, right?). Anyways, keep the quotes coming. They sure lighten my day!

sarah, rsm said...

Amanda, you're not only a GOOD mom but a HEALTHY one, too! :) Don't ever forget to keep laughing amidst the chaos - somehow I don't think your little ones will let you, thank God.

sarah, rsm

Beth said...

Hey Amanda, I heard this book by Sheila Walsh called I'm Not Wonder Woman; but God Made Me Wonderful advertised on WLAB the other day. It sounds like a perfect book for all mothers who feel overwhelmed, etc. Here is a bio of the book.

It sells pretty cheap on Amazon. Just thought you might be interested. I am going to order it!!

Monica Katowitz said...

I find myself in the same situation with the toys and the pjs. There are some days on the weekends that the kids don't make it out of their pjs until after their naps. I also look at their room scattered in toys and figure that I will get to it tomorrow. You are an awesome mom and I see you as a great role model.

MiddleClass Mama said...

Bad mom....not in the least! If that were the case, the world would be full of us "bad moms"! Too funny!