Friday, February 29, 2008

Yeah but can your daughter pee standing up?

Yesterday we went to the mall to pickup the girls new portraits. I left the house without remembering any catheters or syringes (I know I know). I wanted to make sure that Anara wouldn't fill to discomfort so I decided to open her suprapubic and drain her. I stood her on the edge of the van and pointed the suprapubic to the ground. I asked her to push and a nice stream shot out. We laughed and laughed while she peed standing just like a boy. She loses her suprapubic tube today (something must have happened overnight because it doesn't drain now) but she will always be able to pee standing with her catheter. And, I will put catheters everywhere (van, backpack, purse, pockets) and not be caught in an emergency situation. Did I mention we were losing another tube 2 - 1 = 1. Only 1 tube left - the G-tube.

1 comment:

TPQ said...

I'm sure my daughter could pee standin up, but not as neatly as yours. :)