Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Happy Birthday Naraboo

Anara's "3" pancake

Last Friday was Anara's 3rd birthday. She didn't quite get it and kept saying, "When it's my birthday..." We had to keep reminding her that it was her birthday. She was pretty excited when she opened a pretend doctor kit but her sister isn't being a very compliant patient. Guess I should let her do surgery on me for a while.

Anara quotes:

"I am free (3) now."

"I am reading this book to you. Now.....where is the part I read? She set in Papa Bear's chair and it was too much hard. She set in Mama's Bear's chair and it was too much soft. She sat in Baby Bear's chair until the seat broke."

One night I heard Anara pass gas rather loudly over the monitor. I then heard her whisper "Excuse me."

Violet, "Anara that stinks! Did you toot?" Anara, "No, it was just gas."

I know there are more but I can't think of them right now. Here are some more birthday day pictures. Party pictures tomorrow.

Trying to show 3 fingers - gonna have to practice


Stephanie said...

She is such a beautiful girl! Happy Birthday Anara! :)

Hubs said...

Laura, I suppose this could be an "M" - what do you think ;)

Laura S Scott said...

Owen would call that a "w" and he would love it, being that its one of his favorites b/c its in his name. He has been kind enough to share some W items with Wyatt since W is for Wyatt.

Emily said...

I thought you promised birthday party pictures today (Thursday)! What the?

mols said...

i love it when you put the girls quotes in...they are hilarious! you guys have such a precious family. you are a great mom amanda!

Lydia said...

That 3 was unmistakeable! :)
You came to mind yesterday afternoon when I whipped up the batter for Tuesday a.m.'s pancakes! I thought about trying to make alphabet pancakes but made plain ole circles cause owen ended up not coming over. No one can appreciate letter pancakes like Owen. It would've been a waste of time to even try!