Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Things that go beep in the night...

Nate bragged that he got almost 6 hours of sleep last night, and I just don't get it. Our IV beeps every 2 hours, our neighbor's IV beeps every 2 hours (and of course we aren't on the same schedule), nurses check vitals every 4 hours, Anara gets respiratory therapy every 6 hours, Tylenol and Valium every 4 hours, Zantac every 12 hours, Keflex every 6 hours, turned slightly to one side every 2 hours, her tubes get flushed every 6 hours, kids in other rooms scream, and of course her monitors periodically remind us that she is alive. With all that commotion and beeping staggered throughout the night, I don't see how anyone can keep their eyes shut. I might be exaggerating slightly - sometimes they do try to get several things done at once and avoid coming into the room constantly. Still, this is no place for a light sleeper to get more than a 1/2 hour at a time. I shouldn't be complaining because I have yet to spend two nights consecutively. I have been alternating every other night. Maybe I should continue this schedule after discharge because the every other night that I sleep at home is really a good night of sleep.

Today it was decided that the only way to transport Anara home, and then later to and from the hospital for visits, is an ambulance. Our developmental pediatrician wasn't quite satisfied and wants to try one more car seat expert. I called our insurance company and they will pay for ambulance transport provided that it is deemed medically necessary. I guess it is either an ambulance or we stay at the hospital 4 more weeks (and that is not an option). From a surgical standpoint, the doctors are very satisfied with how Anara is progressing. The developmental pediatrician is still concerned about her left leg (lack of movement) and she wants answers to several home care and transport questions before we are discharged. I would anticipate just a few more days in the hospital.

Today Violet came to the hospital in her princess dress. My mom made Violet a beautiful dress with expensive material and several layers of crinoline, and Violet doesn't like the dress. In fact, Vi didn't smile the whole time we had her trick or treating around the hospital. It can't all be blamed on the dress because she is terrified of costumes, masks, beards, and all things that alter appearance or hide the face. She made Nate carry her around to the different stations to collect her prizes. Speaking of beards (or typing of beards to be more exact), there is a man (patient family) on our floor with white hair and a white beard. He has a round little belly that shakes when he laughs like a bowl full of jelly. He wears Santa suspenders and has a "Kris Kringle" identification card. Kids have been sitting on his lap but Violet finds him terrifying. She won't go to the activity room when he is there and clings to us if she catches a glimpse of him.

Anara is having a pretty good day. One of her ureteral stents didn't drain today and emptied urine into her reservoir. She was a little uncomfortable until we irrigated and pulled the urine out. We think we fixed all her tubes so that they are back to draining appropriately. Hopefully tomorrow we will come back off the IV and get closer to having a home care plan.

Thanks again for the emails, prayers, gifts, visits, and encouragement. Hopefully I will be able to thank everyone individually, but I have done a crappy job recording things and my brain cannot be counted on right now.


Brad Keating said...

Guys can sleep through anything! I don't know how they do it. It's exactly like that when we're in the hospital too - if Brad sleeps in the room he can sleep fine, but if I do I get hardly any sleep. I hope you can get home soon.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't bragging...just saying. And it wasn't a solid 6 hours, anyway. Christy's right,'s a guy thing.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you ever pray the Divine Hours but this prayer seems to hit the spot for you.
"Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels and saints charge over those who sleep this night. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Shield your joyous ones, and all for your love's sake. Amen"

Jenny Price

Beth said...

Wow, only transported by ambulance eh. You would think there would be another way. I am glad your insurance is covering it. And even though Violet didn't like wearing the dress, I hope you got a picture of her in it. Carter was Superman tonight and Jordan was Peter Pan, although everyone was mistaking him for Robin Hood. But also, with Violet being scared of masks and such, reminds me of when Savannah was younger. I remember when we would go to the mall around christmas time and we had to be at least 5 stores away from Santa's picture area, or she would start bawling, and this was around the age of 3 and 4. When she was 4, we took her to Disney World and we weren't there for 5 minutes, and she saw Chip and Dale and said, I want to go home now and started crying. I thought it would be forever for her to get over that fear, but she eventually did. Kids are so funny. Thanks for all the constant updates. Hang in there momma.

Laura S Scott said...

Erica is afraid of Santa too, or at least creaped out by him! (So there is no promising that Vi will grow out of it.)

Christina said...

Glad, again, to hear that things are going well. I knew the hospital would be a rough place for you to try and sleep, but I'm glad that you're getting some nights at home, too. Please send pics of vi in her princess dress, even if she didn't like it. I hope you can find something to transport anara in. If not, I guess you'll be riding in style :)
By the way - how did you respond to my blog comment in my email?

Danielle said...

You both are doing a great job! Hunter and I pray for Anara everynight before bed.